yacpdb.org - Search for 10 random orthodox moremovers from the following 10 sets: a) All Solutions 1) Search #4 27 pieces or more (Set01.txt) 2) Search #5 18-20 pieces, 1930-1980 (Set02.txt) 3) Search #5 21-22 pieces, 1950-2000 (Set03.txt) 4) Search #6 6-12 pieces 1830-1970 (Set04.txt) 5) Search #6 13-18 pieces 1900-2000 (Set05.txt) b) Single Solution (MaxSolutions 1) 6) Search #7 21-23 pieces (Set06.txt) 7) Search #7 24-25 pieces (Set07.txt) 8) Search #8 13-16 pieces (Set08.txt) 9) Search #8 17-18 pieces (Set09.txt) 10) Search #9 10-12 pieces (Set10.txt) 10 problems drawn from these 10 sets (https://jgisland.pl/benchmark/sets.zip) using Python script rand.py (https://jgisland.pl/benchmark/rand.py.txt) and tentatively tested with J.G.Island 7.1 and Popeye 4.89: Results, AMD Ryzen 7 1700 8-core, 3GHz, 48GB J.G.Island 7.1 Olive/Popeye 4.89 (1GB) ============================================================================================================================== [4, '4B3/2p1n1Q1/3bR3/PpkrP1p1/1p1n1rp1/1PpKB1Np/1qP3RP/N2b4'] 0.125 0.111 [5, '4N2n/8/p2b1p2/Pp1Pk3/2P2nP1/4PB2/K4B2/RR5N'] 0.422 4.757 [5, '7k/7P/n6K/1Pp1p1P1/1p5R/3p2pN/2r1ppp1/nQ1rb3'] 0.140 2.700 [6, '3rk1K1/3rb3/1p6/1B6/8/5p2/1Q6/4n2b'] 0.812 18.568 [6, '8/1p2K2p/4B3/1P2k1Nb/n3ppP1/8/1nP1N3/4B3'] 3.180 72.433 ------------------------------------------- MaxSolutions 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- [7, '4b3/1R2P2n/3R3K/2p2kpN/2p1p3/r3p2P/p5PB/bq3Nr1'] 4.810 343.238 [7, '4n3/4K3/3BpNp1/1R1bP3/pPPk1pr1/2R3pQ/2PPr2n/q4Bb1'] 11.500 840.256 [8, '2R5/8/8/1P6/p2R4/B6B/1nP1PK2/brk5'] 0.406 1229.535 [8, '1K6/7p/pp6/1n6/2p5/r1pN4/p5Rp/r1n2Bbk'] 0.516 37.268 [9, 'kN3n2/1R6/7K/2p5/r1p2p2/5B2/6p1/2b5'] 0.907 126.104 =============================================================================================================================== Total 22.818 sec. 2674.970 sec.